Creatures of Habit: Hardhearted vs. Generous

Last Sunday we began a new sermon series, “Creatures of Habit.”  I think it is safe to say we all have a desire to have more positive habits in our lives, godly-habits that will draw us deeper into our relationship with Jesus.

Are you more hardhearted or more generous?  I think this is a tough question. Sometimes I find it very easy to become hardhearted, to be cynical and jaded in life.  I find it more of a challenge to be generous and kind.  How about you? 

In Deuteronomy Moses tells the Israelites, “do not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor.  You should rather open your hand, willingly lending enough to meet the need, whatever it may be.”

I think generosity has a wide scope of meaning.  Generosity is about all of our resources! 

  • It is about our time – making time to be of service to those who might need a little bit of our time.  Maybe it is 5 minutes: we can write a note or make phone a call to someone we haven’t seen for a while.  Perhaps we have a little more time: we can offer a ride to a neighbor who needs to run errands.  Or maybe we have a good chunk of time: we can volunteer to sort food at the food bank or pick up trash at the park. If we stop and think about it we all have time to give! 
  • It is about our talent – sharing our abilities in a way that can benefit others.  Maybe you have a musical talent that you can share during worship.  Or you have a green thumb or are handy with a hammer, look around and see if you can find someone who needs a little help in that area.
  • It is about our treasure – sharing what we have with those around us.  This can be financial giving, a one-time gift or a continuing commitment.  It can giving to specific needs like our diaper drive for the food bank and hygiene items to those impacted by the fires in California.  Or how about taking time to assess our needs and donating our excess to those in need. 

We are to be open-handed with all that God has given us.  It is difficult to be generous when we are tight-fisted, holding on to what is ours.  Instead, what if we approached all we have with an open hand, knowing that all we have is a gift from God?  We are called to be generous, to share the blessings we have been given with others, to look after our neighbors, and help when and where we can.

Creating a habit of generosity takes small steps.  Looking for the moments where we can respond with an open hand rather than a closed fist is one thing that changes the attitude of our hearts.  It turns the bad habit to a good habit, a bad attitude into a good attitude, while at the same time connecting our generosity to the One who is the giver of all things. 

See you Sunday,
Pastor Jenni 

If there is among you anyone in need, a member of your community in any of your towns within the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor.  You should rather open your hand, willingly lending enough to meet the need, whatever it may be. (Deut 15:7-8)