Wandering Heart: Jesus Sought Me
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of God;
-Come Thou Font of Every Blessing
This Lent we are figuring out faith with Peter. I have always loved Peter’s story. I love his passion and impulsiveness and how he charges ahead without really thinking things through. I also love his curiosity and cluelessness and how he never fully gets all that he hears or experiences as a follower of Jesus. I think I love Peter because I can see myself in him!
As we begin our journey with Peter this week, we meet him on the shores of Galilee (Luke 5:1-11). Peter was a fisherman, your average-ordinary-hard-working-guy. There was nothing special about him, yet Jesus saw something, sought him out, and invited him on a life changing adventure.
No matter how many times I read Peter’s story, it is his first encounter with the man who changes his life forever, that truly has me amazed! We see Peter’s cluelessness about the miracle that was about to happen, even though he had witnessed earlier the healing of his Mother-in-law, he still questioned Jesus. Then we witness Peter’s impulsiveness as he walks away from everything and did not think about the consequences. We glimpse Peter’s devotion even in the midst of fear and his own inadequacies he faithfully accepts Jesus’ invitation.
How has Jesus sought you? How have you responded to His invitation? How much are you like Peter? I hope you join us these next 6 weeks of Lent as we figure out faith like Peter. Jesus sought him, and Jesus always pursues us.
Pastor Jenni
Let that grace now, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;
here’s my heart; O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.
-Come Thou Font of Every Blessing